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How tandemly Got Started

tandemly began as many 21st century partnership do, through an online connection. It was 2019 and Linny was a practicing therapist, missing her Silicon Valley roots. She discovered a kindred LinkedIn profile in Harte. At their first lunch they discovered a shared belief that for organizations to be successful, they must use best practices from both business and psychology. 

It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Within a year they were working together in a boutique consulting firm where they recognized their true passion, scaling start-ups so that they can be who they are as they grow from a brilliant idea to an acquisition target. Their second insight was that to make a lasting, powerful impact, they needed to truly imbed themselves into the company, by doing things like joining the company’s communication channels, working regularly with the team, and coaching leadership. This boots on the ground partnership led them to form tandemly, because Harte and Linny truly work in tandem with our clients.

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